Batavia Park District Logo
Your fun is our business!


How would you like to send your advertising message and be recognized by every household in Batavia?

Contact with any questions.

Batavia Park District offers a wide variety of events throughout the year that reach nearly 26,000 residents. Many events also reach the lucrative tri-cities market, which includes St. Charles and Geneva. Versatile options are available to meet the needs of your business.

Showcase your business and receive recognition! Your business name or logo will be listed in all publicity for the sponsored event, including press releases, newspaper ads, event brochures, park district brochures, event signage, social media, and more!

Types of advertising

  • Event sponsorship
  • Goods or services exchange/bartering
  • Promotional giveaways at events
  • Membership incentives
  • Direct advertising


The Batavia Park District takes an "investment" approach to working with its sponsors. Put simply, we will work to maximize your investment by continually helping to advance your message, mission and sales efforts.

Our team will meet with you to discuss these innovative sponsorships and together we will determine if we have a good fit. We will want to:

  • Know your sales and marketing goals
  • Clarify your objectives for sponsorship
  • Understand your products/services and budget
  • Develop promotions and generate interest around the partnership
  • Evaluate our progress on a regular basis

The Batavia Park District would like to present you with an opportunity to not only support a local event but to show your support for the community as well. Throughout the year, the Park District offers many free or low-cost events. With your support, we can continue to provide residents with free or low-cost entertainment, promotions, and fun-filled activities.

We believe in putting the community first and would love to have you on board as an event or program sponsor.

To learn more or to become involved, please contact us.

Limited Time Sponsorship Opportunities

2025 Windmill Whirl 5k Race t-shirt sponsorship - $50 - one color logo on back of race shirt - art deadline April 15. Premier logo placement options are also available.

The Batavia Park District offers a unique opportunity to place your four-color advertisement in the inside of our quarterly Fun Guide. Nearly 13,000 households and 1,000 businesses receive the brochure, packed with information on programs, festivals, parks, and facilities.

Invest in three ads, and receive the fourth ad (of the same size) Free!

Ad sizes available:

Half page (7.875" x 5")
$750 per brochure
$2,650 per year (four issues)

Back cover (7.445" x 6.75")
$1,000 per brochure
$3,500 per year (four issues)

Reserve your spot today!

The Batavia Park District offers a unique opportunity to advertise on our lobby TVs. We have a 55" LED TV located in the front lobby of our Eastside Community Center, home to our New Horizons Preschool, Kindergarten Enrichment Program, Senior Citizens Club meetings, as well as many other special events and programs. An average of 9,000 patrons enter the facility every month. We also have a 55" LED TV in our Civic Center front lobby, home to our Kid's Watch Program, administrative offices, conference/Bart room rental facilities, and many of our fitness, gymnastic and tumbling programs. An average of 7,500 patrons enter this facility every month. Each advertisement is shown for 10 seconds and shown again every 1 minute and 40 seconds. The lobby TV runs during the facility hours of operation. The advertisement requirements are 870x540 pixels in a pdf file and must be camera-ready. The dimensions of the advertisement would be 9.0625"x 5.625"

6 month Advertisement
12 month advertisement (discounted option)

Reserve your spot today!

For more information or to reserve your ad, please contact us.

Choosing Batavia Park District trail kiosks is a creative way to advertise your organization/business and services. The Batavia Park District offers advertising space on the four kiosks located along the Fox River Bike Trail. Batavia businesses are invited to place an ad on all four kiosks, that will have exposure to 30,000+ trail users each year. Trail kiosks are information stops for bikers and hikers on the Fox River Trail. They inform trail users as to upcoming sites, distances along the trail, safety information, and information about activities, special interest and businesses in Batavia.

Kiosk 1: Depot Museum, Houston & Water Streets
Kiosk 2: Quarry Beach, Union Street
Kiosk 3: Clark Island Park, South River Street
Kiosk 4: North End of Challenge Building, North River Street

3 Month Advertisement Option (any three month duration)
6 Month Advertisement Option (April-October)

Invest in the 6 month option and receive 1 month FREE!

More than ever, social media outlets are becoming the most effective tools available to engage your target audience. Take your partnership with us to the next level and share your business's brand content directly with our District followers by using our Get Social with Us sponsorship program!

How it works:

Sponsor a month of your choice and you will receive four
consecutive 'Takeover Tuesdays' of direct social media marketing. You provide us the photos, content, and branding. We will post three times throughout the day on those four Tuesdays on the District Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts. Choose from five ideal time slots to reach your target audiences, and we will do all the legwork. Take this opportunity to share your story, services, or products with our local patrons. Bonus- you will also receive one boosted Facebook advertisement for your month sponsored, which gives you access to nearly 8,200 impressions per day ($50 ad value). That's less than one penny per impression per week!


Sometimes it can be difficult to measure the return on your investment, but with the Get Social with Us! sponsorship package you will receive exact impressions and engagement report from your campaign at the end of the month.

Fee: $250 per month

Conditions and Contract Regulations

  1. Advertising opportunities are extended to any local, national or international business, non-profit agency and government agency that have or wish to have a presence in Batavia. Subject to the Batavia Park District's terms for accepting advertising, contracts will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
  2. Advertising opportunities will not be extended to any organization whose mission or goal is in conflict with the Batavia Park District's mission statement. The Batavia Park District values and promotes accessibility, excellence, optimal experience, unity through diversity, wholesomeness, and accountability.
  3. The Batavia Park District reserves the right to refuse any advertising from organizations or companies that offer competing programs and/or facilities.
  4. The Batavia Park District is a municipal corporation created by state authority and authorized by referendum for the purpose of acquiring, maintaining and operating parks and leisure activities and as such does not support any one political party or viewpoint. Therefore, the Batavia Park District will not accept political advertising of any kind.
  5. The Batavia Park District reserves the right to revise, reject or omit any ad at any time without notice. Any camera-ready advertising submitted that does not conform to the publication's mechanical requirements will be enlarged, reduced or floated at the discretion of the marketing department. The Batavia Park District shall not be responsible for damages if an advertisement fails to be published for any reason.
  6. The Batavia Park District reserves the right to determine and/or change the placement of ads without notice.
  7. Advertisers and advertising agencies are liable for all content of advertisements (including copy, representation, and illustrations) and shall indemnify and save harmless the Batavia Park District, without limitation against, for any and all claims made thereof against losses sustained by the Batavia Park District, its commissioners or employees.
  8. The advertiser and its agency, if there is one, each represent that they are fully authorized and licensed to use: 1. The names, portraits, and/or pictures of living persons; 2. Any copyrighted or trademarked materials; and 3. Any testimonials contained in any advertisement submitted by or on behalf of the advertiser and published in any of the Batavia Park District publications, and that such advertisement is neither libelous or defamatory, an invasion of privacy, or otherwise unlawful to a third party. The advertiser and its agency each agree to indemnify and save harmless the Batavia Park District against all losses, liability, damage and/or expenses arising from the copying, printing, or publishing of any such advertisement.
  9. No conditions printed or otherwise, appearing on contracts, orders, or copy instructions, which conflict with the Batavia Park District policies, will be binding on the Batavia Park District.
  10. The Batavia Park District shall not be responsible for any damages caused by acts of God, fires, strikes, accidents or other occurrences beyond the control of the publisher or the Batavia Park District.
  11. Any drawings, artwork, and copy submitted for reproduction are accepted at the risk of the advertiser. Credit for errors shall be at the Batavia Park District's sole discretion and is limited to first insertion and shall not exceed the cost of space in which errors occur. No allowance is granted for errors that do not materially affect the value of an advertisement.
  12. Failure to fulfill contract terms for multiple insertions will result in additional charges equal to the discount allowed.
  13. The Batavia Park District will not return any items submitted for advertising, unless otherwise mentioned.

Rate Protection

The Batavia Park District reserves the right to revise advertising rates. However, this will not affect existing signed and written advertising agreements. All advertising placed without a signed advertising agreement is subject to the rates that apply at the time of publication.