Fri January 6, 2023
The Batavia Park District is conducting a community-wide needs assessment survey to better understand residents’ opinions about its parks, facilities and programs. As part of its strategic plan, the Park District conducts a statistically valid needs assessment every five years.
The District has selected the independent research firm ETC Institute to conduct the survey. There are two methods for taking the survey: online or by mail. Randomly selected households received a mailed copy of the survey the week of Dec. 12, 2022. Although certain individuals may not live in Batavia, their residence may be a part of the Batavia Park District boundaries and were also included in the survey.
The Park District encourages residents who did not receive a survey by mail to participate in the survey online so that their voices can be heard. The following link will access the survey:
The survey will only take 10-15 minutes to complete. All responses are confidential and will be delivered in group form in the Needs Assessment Report. The Needs Assessment Report will be given to the Park Board at the regularly scheduled Board Meeting on March 21, 2023.
Whether you frequently use or never use the District’s parks, facilities or programs, your opinions are very important to the Park District. Data from the survey will help the Park District understand how to better serve the community by aligning District priorities with your interests, opinions and suggestions. The information that is provided is important to the District as the Board and staff address critical community issues, create and implement the new vision for the future of Batavia Park District parks, facilities and programs.
If you have questions, need more information, or have technical issues upon receiving the survey, please email Esther Campbell, Project Manager at ETC Institute, at: